Good & Plenty is an American brand of licorice candy. Good & Plenty was first the Quaker City Confectionery Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1893 and is the oldest branded candy in the United States. Warner-Lambert purchased Quaker City in 1973 and sold it to Leaf Candy Company (owned by Beatrice Foods) in 1982. It is now produced by Hershey Foods, which purchased Leaf in 1996. Beginning in 1950, a cartoon character named “Choo-Choo Charlie” appeared in Good & Plenty television commercials. A railroad engineer, Charlie would shake a box of the candy in a circular motion, imitating a train’s pushrods and making a sound like a train. Advertising
executive Russ Alben wrote the “Choo-Choo Charlie” jingle. based on the popular song “The Ballad of Casey Jones”.